Match 3: Kevin Weatherby vs. Steve Stiles
Steve Stiles in green tights with fray takes on flashy heel Kevin Weatherby who is in shiny pink square cuts. This is a Last Man Standing match. The bout starts with a back-and-forth test of strength, until Steve hits a jumping arm drag followed up by a drop kick. Kevin's backed into the corner & Steve hits a running avalanche, but when he tries it a second time wily Kevin moves. Weatherby goes to work on Steve Stiles' leg in an attempt to ground his aerial opponent. This match shows 2 talented pros in plenty of 'scientific wrestling.' Knees drops, leg drops & elbow drops weaken his knee, but being smashed around the steel ring pole nearly breaks his leg! An incredible flying headscissors & hurricanrana put Kevin back on the defensive until he cuts Stiles' knee out from under him again. The classic Indian deathlock hold tears apart Steve's knee even more. When a missed move from Kevin Weatherby turns the momentum into Steve Stiles favor, he unleashes a spectacular offensive assault. Can he finish the job, or was his knee too wrecked to continue? One competitor can't answer the referee's 10 count and the match is over!