Match 5: Chris Jones vs. Kolby Stern
Kirby and CJ are tag team partners who put their friendship on hold in order to settle the debate over who the better tag partner is , and what better way than a 2 out of 3 falls match! That way the debate over who's better is settled, no fluke quick pin would get somebody a win. They start with an intense stare-down that turns into a brawl outside the ring. Kirby wastes no time taking the fight to CJ with a barrage of strikes, dropkicks and armdrags. CJ isn't a rookie though; clever reversals and stiff strikes turn the bout in his favor. A well timed flying DDT puts CJ's comeback on ice and Kirby resiliently battles back. A surprise low blow catches one of these BFF's completely off guard, his "friend" follows it up with a 3 count, to win the first fall. Good friends, better enemies-- the gloves are off!